Exporting & Sharing

Information can be shared with your colleagues via CaptureSaver's exporting capability. It provides several ways to export content including:

  • Save articles as MHT files.
  • Export articles and folders to other Knowledge Bases.
  • Package an entire folder structure into a deliverable Chm file.


To export content:  

  1. Select the article or folder in the knowledge tree bar.
  2. Choose "Export" on right-click context menu.

    Export CaptureSaver's Information

  3. Browse and select the desired destination to save.Export CaptureSaver's Information

Copy/Move content across Knowledge Bases

Articles as well as entire Folders and can be moved or copied from one Knowledge Base to another.

copy/move content button

To do this right click "Copy/Move" button at CaptureSaver's main toolbar. So the Copy/Move dialog shows as following.

copy/move content

Looking for more information?
Take a look at the CaptureSaver Overview, or download a Free Trial.
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